Reach out today for help with overthinking and anxiety
If you’re a thoughtful and analytical person, you’re likely a strong problem-solver in your professional life. However, the term “analysis paralysis”—commonly used in the business world—also resonates deeply in the realm of mental health. At its core, analysis paralysis stems from rumination, the repetitive process of overthinking past or present situations. This habit often pulls us out of the present moment and leads to a downward spiral of anxiety and inaction.
When we ruminate, we may feel as though we’re solving problems, but in reality, we’re simply spinning our wheels—stuck in place, exerting mental energy without making progress. It’s like treading water, barely staying afloat, yet expending immense effort. Most critically, rumination robs us of joy and hope. It traps us in a cycle of anxiety that diminishes our ability to savor life’s precious moments with family, friends, and loved ones. Left unchecked, it can even strain relationships, pushing others away. As I often tell clients, “rumination is the killer of peace.”
While thoughtful reflection and planning are valuable, excessive rumination, obsession, and overthinking are not. The good news? Breaking the cycle of rumination is entirely possible. Together, we can identify the triggers that fuel this habit and develop practical strategies to help you overcome it—one step at a time.

Post by Stefan C. Dombrowski, Ph.D.